Course Details-Master Java


Chandan Pandey


8.00 pm - 9.00 pm

Available Seats


Start Date

21 October 2024

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1. Setting Up Java Development Environment

  • Install JDK: Download and install the latest Java Development Kit (JDK) from Oracle or OpenJDK.
  • IDE Setup: Set up an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or VS Code for Java development.
  • Build Tools: Use Maven or Gradle for dependency management and build automation.
  • Set JAVA_HOME: Set the environment variable to point to the JDK installation directory for proper configuration.

2. Basics of OOP Concepts in Java

  • Object-Oriented Principles
    • Encapsulation: Binding data (variables) and methods in a single unit (class), providing restricted access.
    • Abstraction: Hiding implementation details and exposing only the essential features.
    • Inheritance: A mechanism where one class inherits properties and behavior from another class.
    • Polymorphism: Ability of objects to take many forms, commonly achieved through method overloading and overriding.
  • Classes and Objects: Blueprint and instance of that blueprint, respectively.
  • Access Modifiers: Control the visibility of classes, methods, and variables (`public`, `private`, `protected`, default).
  • Static vs Non-static Members: Static members belong to the class, while non-static members belong to instances.
  • Method Overloading and Overriding: Defining methods with the same name but different parameters or overriding them in subclass.

3. Core Java Concepts

  • Data Types, Variables, and Operators: Fundamental building blocks of any Java program, such as `int`, `float`, `boolean`, arithmetic, and logical operators.
  • Control Flow Statements: Includes loops (`for`, `while`, `do-while`), conditional statements (`if-else`, `switch`).
  • Exception Handling: Mechanisms like `try-catch`, `throw`, `throws` to handle runtime errors and ensure graceful error recovery.
  • Collections Framework: A set of interfaces and classes like `List`, `Set`, `Map` to manage groups of objects dynamically.
  • Generics: Enables type-safe collections and methods by allowing the use of parameterized types.

4. Streams and File Handling

  • Java Streams API: A modern way to process collections of objects in a functional style using methods like `filter()`, `map()`, `reduce()`.
  • Intermediate and Terminal Operations: Operations like `filter()`, `sorted()`, `map()` (intermediate) and `forEach()`, `collect()` (terminal) to work on streams.
  • Parallel Streams: Processing large data sets in parallel to improve performance.
  • File Handling: Reading and writing to files using classes like `FileReader`, `FileWriter`, `BufferedReader`, and Java NIO (`Files`, `Path`).
  • Object Serialization: Saving the state of an object into a file and reconstructing it later using `ObjectOutputStream` and `ObjectInputStream`.

5. Real-World Java Application Example: Library Management System

  • Entities: Define core entities like `Book`, `Member`, and `Library` to represent the library system.
  • CRUD Operations: Implement basic operations for adding, searching, borrowing, and returning books in the library.
  • File Handling for Persistence: Store the library’s book and member data using file handling techniques for persistence between sessions.
  • Streams for Filtering Data: Use Java Streams to search for books by title, author, or availability status.
  • Exception Handling: Handle cases like unavailable books or unregistered members using custom exceptions.